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Who is Marc?

Studies at Ghent University, the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the Harvard University have given me a broad base in law and the social sciences. I have decades of experience at the intersection of expertise, policy, society, and industry. My career is a mix of research, positions, assignments, and executive roles, in the US, Europe, Australia, and Asia, in academia, professional services, and the thinktank world. 


As co-CEO of think tank Itinera, I facilitate an open platform where experts and stakeholders collaborate on policy solutions for better governance and a sustainably prosperous future. As a strategy consultant I connect market and non-market trends transnationally for companies, organisations and institutions, in a change or growth trajectory. At Ghent University I teach and explore about social law, the European Union, globalization and fundamental rights in companies.


  • Who are you as a person?
    Keep it simple. I am enthusiastic, direct, spontaneous, honest, and humble. Values and ambition are crucial ingredients in all my activities and projects.
  • What drives you?
    To help in making a difference. A positive impact on society and the planet. Working together with driven and genuine people, that gives me energy and inspiration.
  • Who are your examples?
    There is history and its figures: an endless source. I have also had the privilege to benefit from many masters: my parents, legendary teachers and professors, senior mentors at the bar, forceful entrepreneurs, experienced CEOs, excellent personal coaches. International experience, especially in the US, has broadened my horizon. And I learn ever more from the younger generations and their creativity, that’s the advantage of getting older!
  • What is your biggest success?
    That is yet to come! And there is no such thing as ‘your success’. You are always standing on someone’s shoulders and it is always teamwork. That’s were real satisfaction lies, the rest is mostly ego. I find satisfaction in renewing and building organisations. I have been lucky to be able to do that, at Ghent University, at Itinera, at Macquarie in Sydney, always leaving a good legacy.
  • What is your biggest failure?
    One always makes mistakes. There is no progress without failure. What is important is to learn: you have to be grateful for mistakes. My biggest disappointments come from unethical behaviour. In Australia I oversaw a transformation, complicated by the COVID-crisis and downsizing. Big changes and big results, but a part of the (ex-)staff were unhappy. A complaint was fabricated while I was on carer’s leave in Belgium. But with empathy one can also learn from that.
  • What makes you enthusiastic?
    The times we are in, with enormous opportunities for renewal, in greening the economy, energy transition, new globalisation, technology, talent, the European Union, NATO. We have unique years ahead.
  • What makes you worried?
    The same things, because we may not grasp the opportunities through lack of vision, ambition, unity or capacity. We also have crucial years ahead.
  • If there is one advice you would give, what is it?
    I have three. One: always keep pushing on! Two: never compromise on your core values: it is better to walk. Three: spend a significant period abroad. You will then realise what cultural differences mean and how people project their cultural perception and bias on you. Confronting, but so important to learn!


Hoge Raad voor de Werkgelegenheid 

Dit officieel beleidsorgaan volgt maatregelen op met betrekking tot de bevordering van de werkgelegenheid en het tewerkstellingsbeleid, en het onderzoekt voorstellen tot bevordering van de arbeidscreatie. 

JobRoad VZW

JobRoad loodst mensen voor wie een gepaste job moeilijker bereikbaar is naar een geschikte werkgever. De heel persoonlijke aanpak doorbreekt barrières van taal, mobiliteit en competentie die een vlotte toegang tot de arbeidsmarkt bemoeilijken.

Itinera Institute

Denktank Itinera is een vrijplaats die gedurfd en constructief werkt aan strategische expertise voor een betere toekomst en een beter bestuur van dit land.


i-mens is een onafhankelijke zorgorganisatie die er is er voor iedereen, in elke fase van het leven. Van voor de geboorte tot aan de laatste levensfase. I-mens brengt alle zorg aan huis opdat u uw eigen leven in handen kan blijven houden.


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